Quantum Healing Frequencies
Your Personalized Path to Holistic Health with Christy Evans
Frequency Harmonizing Sessions with Christy Evans
Experience a remote energetic scan of your entire body on all levels and access harmonizing frequencies designed to restore homeostasis. This is achieved using quantum bio-feedback technology, influenced by your session intentions, and enriched by Christy’s intuitive interpretation of your scans.
Pricing: $75
Delivery: Email Only
Frequency Harmonizing Sessions offer you:
Using a 15-second voice recording, receive an intricate frequency scan that pinpoints energetic imbalances across your being—from the physical to emotional, mental, and the energetic biofield. Dive deeper into insights ranging from blood biology, organ function, hormone levels, food sensitivities, infections, toxicities, energetic pathways, chakra health, aura reading, and more.
Your voice frequency scans lead to precise frequencies tailored to harmonize and restore your personal energetic balance. Additionally, Christy will curate a personalized playlist of optimizing frequencies that align with your goals and scan results, accessible through an app on your smartphone.
Through Christy's intuitive interpretation of your energetic scans, and considering your session goals, you gain a deeper layer of personalization. You'll experience a tailored playlist of frequencies designed to further enhance your energetic balance and overall optimization.
Within 48 hours of submitting your voice recording, immerse yourself in detailed reports and your custom frequency playlists. These reports give a snapshot of your energetic states before and after optimization. It's essential to understand that these reports are not diagnostic tools, and the frequencies are not treatments.
Check out the Complimentary Demo Offer and FAQs for Frequency Harmonizing Sessions below!
Frequency Harmonizing Session Details
Email Only:
Email Only sessions include comprehensive reports and one week of personalized frequencies
This is all completed through email with no direct interaction with Christy
The 1-minute booking is a system placeholder — no scheduled meeting will take place
Within 48 hours of submitting your voice and picture upload, you will receive your comprehensive scan reports along with your personalized frequencies. Check your junk mail for these exciting emails (approximately 7 emails)
Your personalized frequency playlist is available for 7 days on the app. (see FAQs below for download instructions)
After 7 days, receive a new frequency playlist and new comprehensive reports by booking a new Email Only session
FAQs for Frequency Harmonizing Sessions with Christy Evans
Biofeedback technology is a non-invasive technique used to measure physiological functions to gather feedback about the body. This feedback helps individuals become more aware of and influence their physiological functions to improve health and performance. The technology captures responses from the body to various stimuli, allowing for real-time understanding of energetic functioning.
Frequency harmonization, on the other hand, involves the use of specific sound and scalar frequencies to support the body by shifting imbalances back into harmony or equilibrium. The human body, at its core, is a series of resonating frequencies. Over time, stressors can disrupt these frequencies, leading to physical, mental, emotional, or energetic imbalances. By introducing the correct or "harmonizing" frequencies, it's believed that the body can be prompted to return to its natural, balanced state. In the context of the Frequency Harmonizing Sessions, this technique uses the data gathered from the biofeedback scans to identify imbalances and subsequently apply the harmonizing frequencies to address them.
After purchasing the Frequency Harmonizing Sessions you will receive an email within 24 hours from “Insight Health Apps” with instructions to download the “Genius Insight Quanta Cap” app.
Scroll down on this email for your Login Credentials including your Email Login Username and Temporary Password (12345678).
Follow the links and your login credentials to download the app.
Once you download the app, use the “Login” Existing User Icon and enter your Login Credentials. Once you are inside the app, select the 3 lines at the top right for a dropdown menu — Choose My Profile to change your password.
Congrats! Once you have downloaded the app you do not have to do that again (if you purchase this service again)!
Just return to the app and continue with the Voice and Picture instructions. Select the 3 lines at the top right for the dropdown menu.
Then, select the top left icon “Upload My Voice & Image.”
You will need to enter Christy’s associated email address at this step. Enter this email: christy.evans@me.com.
From here, the Voice & Picture upload instructions should be self explanatory on the app — but for extra reassurance here are the steps written out in the next FAQ.
** Please include your name and your goal for this frequency session in your voice recording, otherwise Christy will use the information provided in the scans to personalize your frequency playlist.
Select the Microphone Image to Record your Voice for 15 seconds — Start by saying “I AM (insert your name)” — Then state your primary goal for this particular Frequency Harmonizing Session. If there is time remaining then state the vowels (A-E-I-O-U).
** One goal per session ** Think about your goal for the session before uploading your voice recording as this is what Christy will use to personalize your frequency playlist.
If you need to re-record your voice message, then tap the microphone image again and record your Name, Goal, and Vowels again.
Once satisfied, then select the “Upload Voice” then “Continue” for the Picture Upload.
Following your voice recording you will be guided to your picture upload.
Tap the word “Photo” on the person (silhouette) — Choose “Take Picture” which is best, but if you’d rather you can “Choose From Gallery” — Only a headshot or selfie is needed, not a full body picture.
Again, if you need to re-take your picture, just tap on the image and select “take picture” again.
Once satisfied, then select the “Upload Image” and “Ok” and “Finish.”
At this point I will now have your voice and picture uploads. You will receive your emailed reports and personalized frequencies in 48 hours.
You will receive an email from “Genius Insight” — Subject line: “Your Genius Insight Quanta Cap Download”
Copy Your Quanta Cap Code (copy / paste is best)
Open Your Genius Insight App — Select the 3 line drop down bar in the top right and Select “Import My Quanta Code.”
Paste Your Quanta Cap Code here and select “Ok” — You will now have access to your personalized playlist(s) as well as two free playlists (Chakra Balancing and Solfeggios Tones).
Select “Load” then “Add All Items to Tray” then adjust the toggle at the bottom to change the duration and then press the play button to listen to your personalized frequencies. Use headphones for best results.
Listen to your frequencies for approximately 5 minutes a day — or as often as you would like!
Explore additional features in the dropdown menu including Fractals to add a visual aspect to your experience.
Note: Your Personalized Frequency Playlist expires in 7 days.
AO Scan Verification Email:
First you will receive an email verification from “AO Scan” - please click the link to verify your email to receive the comprehensive reports based your voice and picture scans.AO InnerVoice Report:
You will then receive your “AO InnerVoice Scan” report by email - click on the link to access your AO InnerVoice Scan Report and Frequencies. Play “Pulse Cycle” for your InnerVoice harmonizing frequencies (3, 5, or 10 minutes) — “Automix” will provide some variations in delivery. You can listen to these frequencies daily or as often as you like and these frequencies do not expire. Review your report for detailed information.AO Vitals Report:
Next you will receive your “AO Vitals” report by email — click on the link to access your AO Vitals Scan Report. I recommend using “Classic View” when reviewing the report to simplify the information. This report shows both, your initial results (Previous Scan) and then results after optimizing frequencies (Current Scan). Green represents “In-range” and red indicates “out of range”. Out of range foods may represent foods that your body may need more OR less of - muscle testing can help clarify. Out of range in other areas are representing an energetic imbalance at this time. Remember these are not diagnostic, these are reflections of your energetics.AO Comprehensive Report:
Next you will receive your “AO Comprehensive” report by email — click on the link to access your AO Comprehensive Report. I recommend using “Table Report” to view your results to simplify the information. This report shows both, your initial results (Previous Scan) and then results after optimizing frequencies (Current Scan). Green and Blue represent “in range” while red and orange indicate “out of range” or trending in that direction. You will also see “% From Ideal” — the lower the number reflects greater energetic balance. Remember these are not diagnostic, these are reflections of your energetics.AO Body System Report:
Finally, you will receive your “Body Systems” report by email — click on the link to access your AO Body Systems Report. This report is my favorite for its readability, deeper insights into emotional imbalance, as well as modalities to support balance. And, you receive a breakdown of your hormonal frequencies — any ranges +/- 40% or greater is considered out of range while numbers closer to zero reflect greater hormonal frequency balance. Remember these are not diagnostic, these are reflections of your energetics. -
As you can see, you receive a lot of fascinating information about your current energetic state. As you may know, our energetics are constantly reacting to our thoughts, emotions, environment, as well as from the input of your supportive frequency playlists. Because energetics fluctuate, weekly sessions are recommended.
With each consecutive session you will receive all new reports that you can compare and contrast. With each new session you also receive a new personalized frequency playlist sent to your app to support your targeted goal for that session.
While you are provided with in-depth comprehensive reports and a list of personalized frequencies, it can still be natural to have questions.
Booking a 60 minute Holistic Health Session with Christy Evans allows you the opportunity to review your current reports and frequencies, receive new tailored scans and frequencies, as well as ask specific questions related to your targeted health goals.
Upon booking your 60-minute Holistic Health Session, you will receive a client intake form. If you wish to focus your session on Frequency Harmonization, then please specify that on the form.
If you are experiencing questions with the set up process, please review all of the above FAQs and if needed, contact Christy by email: support@christyevansholistic.com
Absolutely. You can purchase the two bio-frequency devices that Christy uses for these sessions and work on yourself directly. The comprehensive reports, optimizing frequencies, and InnerVoice frequencies are coming from the AO Scan software. You can purchase that technology through my link and have the support from my team (not me) on best practices with this software.
The personalized frequencies are curated by Christy with the information provided by the AO Scan along with the Genius Insight scan results. The Genius Insight software is able test deeper into specific areas which helps Christy curate more personalized frequency playlists that support you through your week. You can purchase the Genius Biofeedback technology here.
No. These biofeedback technologies and their harmonizing frequencies are not medical advise and do not diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Interested in a Complimentary Frequency Harmonizing Demo?
Fill out the form below, and Christy will send your personalized frequencies & reports to you within 48 hours!
Note: This complimentary demo provides only a snapshot of the full Frequency Harmonizing experience.