Journey Into Different Levels of Consciousness: the 5 Bodies

This blog post is a follow-up to yesterday’s post, Journey Into Wholeness. I woke up today with this download and wanted to share the following, which builds upon yesterday’s information!

In today’s modern, high-speed, and highly distracted society, it’s all too common for us to become detached from our authentic, true selves. We’ve been programmed to separate our physical body from our emotions, mind, higher self-expression, and soul, leading to a fragmented existence.

However, the Five Bodies - Physical, Vital, Mental, Supramental, and Bliss - are interconnected layers that, when we fully understand and integrate them, can help us access our innate God/Source/Universal level of consciousness and achieve true healing, enhancing daily life as a consequence. 

In my journey as an intuitive healer and my recent completion of the “Quantum Physics for Health” course, based on the work of Amit Goswami in “The Quantum Doctor,” I have discovered the importance of integrating all levels of consciousness to achieve permanent, and even spontaneous, healing.

To learn more about the Five Bodies to enhance your conscious level, check out this previous blog post

The Importance of Integrating All Levels of Consciousness

Understanding Our Mental and Vital Bodies

During my work with clients, I used a unique, intuitive approach to assess and address their needs by tapping into various states of human consciousness or levels of being, including the subconscious mind.

By gaining insights into the root causes of their issues, I was able to alleviate imbalances at the level where they occurred. Often, these issues were rooted in the childhood beliefs (or traumas) of most people that were incomplete, inaccurate, or suppressed, leading to emotional responses that didn’t align with reality. These limited beliefs and associated emotional memories would then impact their adult lives.

A simple example of how our unique state of consciousness can affect the adult life of many people is when a child who was picked last in gym class adopts the belief that they’re not good at sports, accompanied by feelings of anxiety due to being selected last. This belief gets stored in their subconscious level and continues to influence their adult life due to not incorporating levels of awareness. Even though they have become an active, athletic adult and decide to participate in a 5K race, say they trip during the race, the stored memories of anxiety and feeling inadequate resurface, causing them to quit the race, unaware of the connection to their childhood experience. 

Limiting beliefs and trapped emotions lie within our subconscious, ready to sabotage our reality at any moment.

Healing at Different Levels of Consciousness

To overcome these barriers, we need to become aware of our Mental and Vital (emotional) levels or bodies and understand how they impact our Physical body and reality.

When we heal at these more dense levels, it will allow for more of our Higher self and Soul self (or Supramental or Bliss levels) to guide our lives, freeing us from subconscious thoughts, limiting beliefs, and trapped emotions that weaken self-belief. 

The Role of the Practitioner in Integrating the Five Bodies

Focusing on the Body Consciousness

As a practitioner, I discovered that focusing on the Body consciousness was an effective method because it encompasses all the levels above it, including different states of consciousness: the Vital, Mental, Supramental, and Bliss bodies.

This approach allowed me to work with the entire range of consciousness, from the tangible physical aspects to the subtler dimensions of an individual’s experience. However, it often required multiple sessions to clear the denser levels before allowing shifts from the upper levels for true purpose - an altered state.  

Achieving Permanent Healing Through Integration

To achieve permanent healing, we must integrate the Supramental and Bliss bodies into the process, allowing our Soul Self to guide and heal us.

People who rely solely on healers for their healing are likely only to access temporary healing at the lower levels. This can create common causes of a disempowering pattern that requires the person to go back to the healer for more and more healing. By healing on all levels and integrating the higher levels of consciousness, we can experience permanent healing, which is a more empowering approach.

While others can access or receive guidance from our Supramental or Bliss levels for us, the insights and wisdom are not as potent as when the downloads are accessed directly through our own consciousness.

Others can assist in preparing the physical, vital, and mental levels, but the Leap to allowing our own Higher Self and Soul Self guidance is most powerful when it comes from within once we pay attention. 

Nonetheless, we can heal ourselves; others may assist, but it’s ultimately up to us to open ourselves to our Higher Self and Soul Self-levels. This insight comes with a powerful energy that can alter, shift, and instantly correct imbalances on all levels. This is permanent, true, “miraculous” healing.

You allow yourself to heal, not from your ego, but from an integrated wisdom that permeates all levels.

The Do-Be-Do-Be Concept: Balancing the Five Bodies

Understanding the Do-Be-Do-Be Concept

The Do-Be-Do-Be concept is a holistic approach that emphasizes the importance of harmonizing the Five Bodies - Physical, Vital, Mental, Supramental, and Bliss - to achieve true healing, wholeness, and well-being.

According to the downward causation model of quantum physics, the Body consciousness encompasses all levels, including the Vital, Mental, Supramental, and Bliss bodies. Therefore, maintaining a healthy body is essential for accessing the higher levels of consciousness from within.

Balancing Action and Reflection for Integration

In the Do-Be-Do-Be concept, the Body level serves as the hub, intricately linked to the Vital (emotional) and Mental levels (Do). These three levels tend to function as a unit, often leading to disconnection from the Supramental (higher self) and Bliss (soul self) bodies (Be).

To achieve healing and wholeness, we must integrate the Supramental and Bliss bodies into the Body level, allowing all five bodies to function harmoniously (Do-Be).

The Do-Be-Do-Be concept highlights the importance of balancing periods of action (Do) with periods of reflection and introspection (Be). This balance allows for the integration of the higher levels of consciousness, fostering greater well-being and personal growth.

Achieving True Healing and Wholeness

The Key to True Healing

The key to true healing lies in harmonizing the Physical, Vital, and Mental bodies, creating space for the Supramental and Bliss bodies to integrate into the healing process.

By doing the work to heal on these lower levels, we prime ourselves to receive guidance and healing from our higher levels, our Higher Self and Soul Self.

The Bliss level, in particular, plays a crucial role in enabling us to access our innate God/Source/Universal consciousness. This highest level of consciousness connects us with the divine energy that permeates the universe, allowing for profound healing and transformation.

When we successfully integrate the Bliss level into our healing process, we align ourselves with the universal intelligence that governs all creation, tapping into an infinite reservoir of Wisdom, Love, and Truth.

This alignment empowers us to overcome limiting beliefs and emotional patterns, facilitating true healing and growth on all levels of our being.

Nurturing Our Well-being

To achieve this balance, we must practice conscious awareness, mindfulness, and self-care, focusing on nurturing our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management techniques, and personal development practices such as meditation, journaling, or therapy.

Embodying Radiant Health and Vitality

As we balance our bodies and make the Supramental and Bliss levels more accessible, we embody true empowerment with access to unlimited health and wholeness. This manifested radiant health and vitality is achievable not just through hard work but also through the balance provided by our Being level.

Embracing the Do-Be-Do-Be concept means honoring both the active and reflective aspects of our lives, integrating our experiences, and growing as individuals. This holistic approach allows us to tap into our innate potential for healing and transformation, creating a more authentic, empowered, and fulfilling life.

In Closing

True healing comes from the integration of all five bodies - Physical, Vital, Mental, Supramental, and Bliss. By focusing on these different stages for achieving balance within ourselves and opening up to the guidance of our Higher Self and Soul Self, we can experience permanent healing conscious awareness and embrace an external world of empowerment, health, and wholeness.

As a practitioner and guide, I am committed to facilitating this transformative journey, helping clients pay attention to and uncover the inherent wisdom and power within themselves through varying levels of conscious perception to prevent psychological distress and bolster self-esteem. 


Health Journey: 5 Day Holistic Health Plan


Journey Into Wholeness: The 5 Bodies of Quantum Healing