Everyday Alchemy Through The Five Elements
Daring to see the world and ourselves as whole and complete ultimately creates a relaxed, peaceful way of living for personal transformation. When we are connected to this relaxed state of being we become open to how our energy authentically wants to flow. This flow of inspired action comes from the joy that is revealed through the power of unique expression and expansion of our authentic center. Our center is that inner most core of ourself, our highest self or truest self. When we connect to this peaceful process we remember that nothing is broken or needs fixing, rather everything is working harmoniously, in perfect balance, including ourselves. As life unfolds and our energy gets pulled off center by past fears, beliefs, emotions, judgments, habits and so on, we then have the opportunity to learn and grow from these temporary limited perspectives. Throughout daily life we can tune into our body wisdom to guide us away from fear based reactivity and into joyful action with hope that arises from our center the best way.
As we bring awareness to the beneficial elemental flows in our daily life as well as the empowering self-balancing processes below, we become alchemists for our own lives and nourish harmonious relationships with those around us. To work alchemically with the elements means tuning into the present moment and becoming aware of which element is excessive or deficient and knowing which element to call forward to bring balance for a more positive environment. The elements are fundamental to all of life. When living as alchemists of our life in harmony with our center through the elements, our life gets easier, more loving, and we recognize the peace, presence and magic of everyday life.
Earth Alchemy for Personal Transformation
Explore the Earth element when feeling ungrounded or fearful. The Earth element is the anecdote when we are disconnect from our body and not centered or calm. Earth energy restores the physical body. Grounding into Earth energy amplifies a more authentic version of ourselves which only one could imagine beforehand. With just a few moments of grounding into our body we become more productive by having a heightened focus of the tasks that are truly requiring our attention in the moment to achieve success.
Earth Alchemy Practice
Lay awake in stillness (outside on the Earth or indoors on the floor or bed) with no distractions for 5 minutes. Allow your body to let go into the ground below. Feel your body held and supported. Repeat the affirmation 5 times or more.
Earth Affirmation
"Peace in my body."
Water Alchemy for Self Care
Explore to gain the knowledge of the Water element when feeling overwhelmed or sadness. The Water element is the anecdote when we are neglecting our own essential needs and desires. Water reminds us how to feel into all of life, to go with the flow, and to follow our own inner rhythm. When we ride the wave of life without trying to control the process and outcomes, then we become more receptive and life becomes more pleasurable. A few moments immersed in the Water concept can reconnect us to the depth of wisdom available within our sacred bodies.
Water Alchemy Practice
Get into water (natural body of water, bath or shower). Allow yourself to receive the water without agenda. Feel the liquid on your skin. Feel into your emotions. What needs to soften or be released? Let go into the purification of water.
Water Affirmation
"It is safe for me to feel and hear the words and listen deeply."
Fire Alchemy for Health
Explore the Fire element when feeling drained or angry. The Fire element is the anecdote when we become content serving those around us but not extending the same efforts for supporting our own health and wellbeing. Fire stimulates our passions and fuels us to courageously take action in the direction we are seeking for personal growth and transformation. When we step into the Fire element we shed that which is no longer serving and become purposeful with our actions in a way that inspires ourselves and those around us.
Fire Alchemy Practice
Step into your heart fire. Do you make time for your passions? What does your heart long for yet continues to be put on hold. Dare to take action on one area of life that you are ready to claim for you. Make 'you time' a priority.
Fire Affirmation
"I stand in my truth."
Air Alchemy for Social Growth
Explore the Air element when feeling judgmental or anxious. The Air element is the anecdote when we become rigid in our belief systems and think we know what is “right”. When we value the idea of having our freedom of opinions and preferences then it is the Air element that also allows others to enjoy their freedom too. The Air element is social, inclusive and seeks to create harmony among the collective. The Air element is skilled at communicating and listening while creating resonance within a group. When we step into our Air energy our creativity comes alive and life becomes more joyful.
Air Alchemy Practice
Get creative here and now. Dive in, there is no "right way." Look around, how can your creativity flow through you? Start writing with your non-dominant hand, draw shapes without a goal and see what you create, play with your child's toys (play doh, blocks, crayons, etc), become aware of the "negative" space around you, etc. Be open to new ways of exploring life.
Air Affirmation
"Creativity is my birthright.”
Ether Alchemy for Spiritual Wellbeing
Explore the Ether element when feeling spiritually disconnected or ungrounded. The Ether element is the anecdote when we are taking life too seriously and becoming overwhelmed and consumed with daily life. Ether energy opens up our mind, connects us to our body wisdom and uplifts our spirit. The Ether element is the unseen support above, below, around and within. Ether energy is the birthplace of magic and miracles. When we remember the Ether element within we remember the oneness and connection to all. Our embodied Ether element remembers the perfect balance and harmony available in the world in each present moment where we return back to our relaxed, peaceful center.
Ether Alchemy Exercise
Take yourself on a weekly play date. Carve out time for you to play and be with yourself in any way that feels absolutely true and uplifting. Visit a museum, swing at the park, go for a nature walk (allowing your inner compass to lead the way), write a letter to a friend, etc. Follow your bliss and enjoy.
Ether Affirmation
"I am open to hear the joyful wisdom within."